
2024 and forthcoming

Carles Boix: Social Democracy and the Birth of Working-Class Representation in Europe. Word Politics (July). Forthcoming. Jointly with Maayan Mor.

Carles Boix: The Varying Fortunes of Democratic Capitalism. In Sid Milkis and Scott Miller, ed. Democracy and Capitalism. Oxford University Press.

Rafaela Dancygier: "Emigration and Populism," with Sirus Dehdari, David Laitin, Moritz Marbach and Kåre Vernby. Forthcoming at American Journal of Political Science.

Bauerle Danzman, S., and Meunier, S. (2024) The EU's Geoeconomic Turn: From Policy Laggard to Institutional Innovator. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 62: 1097–1115.

Harold James: The IMF and the European Debt Crisis. International Monetary Fund, 2024.

Sophie Meunier: When Foreign Policy Becomes Trade Policy: The EU's Anti‐Coercion Instrument” (with Christian Freudlsperger), Journal of Common Market Studies,


Carles Boix: Estimating the value of democracy relative to other institutional and economic outcomes among citizens in Brazil, France, and the United States. PNAS 2023-06168R, November 20, 2023. Jointly with Alícia Adserà and Andreu Arenas.

Carles Boix: Nationalism. In Jeffery A. Jenkins and Jared Rubin, eds. Oxford Handbook of Historical Political Economy. Oxford University Press.

Rafaela Dancygier: "Hate crime supporters are found across age, gender, and income groups and are susceptible to violent political appeals". Proceedings of the National Academy of Arts and Sciences. 120(7), e2212757120.

Harold James: Seven Crashes: The Economic Crises That Shaped Globalization. Yale University Press, 2023.

Ethan B. Kapstein (2023) Military Allies and Economic Conflict, Survival, 65:6, 179-192, DOI: 10.1080/00396338.2023.2285609

Sophie Meunier and Guri Rosen. 2023. "Economic security and the politics of trade and investment in Europe". Politics and Governance 11(4)

Sophie Meunier, Anna Vlasiuk Nibe, and Christilla Roederer-Rynning. 2023. "Pre-emptive depoliticisation: the European Commission and the EU foreign investment screening regulation". Journal of European Public Policy

Sophie Meunier, Robert Basedow and Christilla Roederer-Rynning. "Fair Play: The Politics of Evaluating Foreign Subsidies in the European Union". EUI Working Paper, RSC 2023 (41)

Sarah Bauerle Danzman and Sophie Meunier. 2023. "Naive No More: Foreign Direct Investment Screening in the European Union". Global Policy

Sarah Bauerle Danzman and Sophie Meunier. 2023. "Mapping the Characteristics of Foreign Investment Screening Mechanisms: The New PRISM Dataset". International Studies Quarterly, Volume 67, Issue 2.

Sophie Meunier and Kalypso Nicolaidis. 2023. "The EU as a Trade Power". In Christopher Hill, Michael Smith, and Sophie Vanhoonacker eds., International Relations and the European Union. Oxford University Press.

Kim Lane Scheppele, “The Life and Death of Constitutions.”   Law and Society Review 57:   423-443 (2023), available here. 

Kim Lane Scheppele, “Asymmetric Rupture: Stabilizing Democratic Transitions 2.0 with Transnational Law.”  In Adam Bodnar, Michal Bobek, Pál Sonnevend and Armin von Bogdandy (eds.), Transitions 2.0:   Restoring Democracy in European Member States.   Springer, 2023, available here.   

Kim Lane Scheppele and John Morijn, “What Price Rule of Law?” Pp. 29-36 in Anna Södersten and Edwin Hercock (eds.), The Rule of Law in the EU:  Crisis and Solutions.   Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies (2023), available here

Kim Lane Scheppele, “The Treaties without a Guardian: The European Commission and the Rule of Law.”   29 Columbia Journal of European Law 92-183 (2023), available here.

Natasha Wheatley: The Life and Death of States: Central Europe and the Transformation of Modern Sovereignty (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2023).

Wiedemann, Andreas. 2023. Redistributive Politics Under Spatial Inequality. Forthcoming, Journal of Politics

O'Grady, Tom, and Andreas Wiedemann. 2023. How the Geographic Clustering of Young and Highly-Educated Voters Undermines Redistributive Politics. Forthcoming, Journal of Politics

Jensen, Amalie Sofie, and Andreas Wiedemann. 2023. "Cross-National Support for the Welfare State under Wealth Inequality. Comparative Political Studies 56 (13): 1959-2127

Wiedemann, Andreas. 2023. "A Social Policy Theory of Everyday Borrowing: On the Role of Welfare States and Credit Regimes." American Journal of Political Science 67 (2): 324-341


Carles Boix: The Rise of Swedish Social Democracy. British Journal of Political Science. April, pages 1-16. Jointly with Zsuzsana Magyar.

Carles Boix: AI and the Economic and Informational Foundations of Democracy. In Oxford Handbook of AI Governance, edited by Justin B. Bullock et al. Oxford University Press.

Rafaela Dancygier: "Hate Crimes and Gender Imbalances: Fears over Mate Competition and Violence against Refugees". With Naoki Egami, Amaney Jamal and Ramona Rischke. American Journal of Political Science 66(2): 501-515.

Sarah Bauerle Danzman and Sophie Meunier. 2022. "If You Can’t Beat Them, Join Them: The Rise of Investment Screening in Europe in Comparative Perspective." Revue des Affaires Européennes, 2022/4, pp. 649-656.

Sophie Meunier. 2022. "The End of Naivety: Assertiveness and New Instruments in EU Trade and Investment Policy". European University Institute Global Governance Program, Issue 2022/55, November 2022.

Andrew Moravcsik: “Qualitative Transparency,” in Michael Woolcock and Jennifer Widner, eds. Qualitative Methods (Cambridge University Press, 2022).

Kim Lane Scheppele, “The Law Requires Translation:  The Hungarian Preliminary Reference on Preliminary References.”  59 Common Market Law Review 1107-1136 (2022), available here.

Kim Lane Scheppele, “How Orbán Wins.”   33(3) Journal of Democracy 45-61 (July 2022), available here.

Wiedemann, Andreas. 2022. "The Electoral Consequences of Household Indebtedness under Austerity." American Journal of Political Science

Reisenbichler, Alexander, and Andreas Wiedemann. 2022. "Credit-Driven and Consumption-Led Growth Models in the United States and United Kingdom." In Lucio Baccaro, Mark Blyth, and Jonas Pontusson, eds., Diminishing Returns: The New Politics of Growth and Stagnation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 213-237


Rafaela Dancygier: "Competing for Loyalists? How Party Positioning Affects Populist Radical Right Voting." With Winston Chou, Naoki Egami and Amaney Jamal. Comparative Political Studies 54(12): 2226-2260.

Rafaela Dancygier: "Candidate Supply Is Not A Barrier to Immigrant Representation: A Case-Control Study." With Karl-Oskar Lindgren, Pär Nyman, and Kåre Vernby. American Journal of Political Science 65(3): 683-698.

Rafaela Dancygier: National Penalties Reversed: The Local Politics of Citizenship and Politician Responsiveness to Immigrants." With Jeyhun Alizade and Ruth Ditlmann. Journal of Politics 83(3): 867-883.

Rafaela Dancygier."Why Parties Displace their Voters: Gentrification, Coalitional Change, and the Demise of Public Housing."With Winston Chou. American Political Science Review 115(2): 429-449.

Harold James: The War of Words: A Glossary of Globalization. Yale University Press, 2021.

Sophie Meunier and Justin Lindeboom. 2021. "In the Shadow of the Euro Crisis: Foreign Direct Investment and Investment Migration Programmes in the European Union”. In Dimitry Kochenov and Kristin Surak eds., Citizenship and Residence Sales: Rethinking the Boundaries of Belonging (Cambridge University Press).

Meunier, Sophie, and Sarah Bauerle Danzman. “The Big Screen: Mapping the Diffusion of Foreign Investment Screening Mechanisms.” n. pag. Print.

Meunier, Sophie, Erik Jones, and R. Daniel Kelemen. “Failing Forward? Crises and Patterns of European Integration.” Journal of European Public Policy 28.10 (2021): 1519–1536.

Meunier, Sophie, and Zenobia Chan. “Behind the Screen: Understanding National Support for a Foreign Investment Screening Mechanism in the European Union.” Review of International Organizations (2021): n. pag.

Andrew Moravcsik: “Liberal Intergovernmentalism and EU External Action,” in Sieglinde Gstöhl and Simon Schunz, eds. The External Action of the European Union: Concepts, Approaches, Theories (London: Macmillian International).

Kim Lane Scheppele and Kriszta Kovács, “Rechtsstaat unter Druck. Ungarn, Polen und die Rolle der EU.”  (The Rule of Law Under Stress:   Hungary, Poland and the Role of the EU) (With Kriszta Kovács.)   Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APUZ) 37/2021,  available here.

Kim Lane Scheppele, Dimitry Kochenov and Barbara Grabowska-Moroz “EU Values are Law, After All:  Enforcing EU Values through Systemic Infringement Actions by the European Commission and the Member States of the European Union.”  Oxford Yearbook of European Law, 2021, available here (121 pp.)

Natasha Wheatley: Remaking Central Europe: The League of Nations and the Former Habsburg Lands (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021), co-edited with Peter Becker.

Wiedemann, Andreas. 2021. Indebted Societies: Credit and Welfare in Rich Democracies. Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics Series. New York: Cambridge University Press

Thelen, Kathleen, and Andreas Wiedemann. 2021. "The Anxiety of Precarity: The United States in Comparative Perspective." In Frances Rosenbluth and Margaret Weir, eds., Who Gets What? The New Politics of Insecurity. New York: Cambridge University Press, 281-306


Carles Boix: From Political Mobilization to Electoral Participation: Turnout in Barcelona in the 1930s. Journal of Politics 82 (October): 1559-75. Jointly with Francesc Amat, Jordi Muñoz and Toni Rodon.

Carles Boix: The Formation and Development of Liberal Democracies. Oxford Handbook of Political Representation. New York: Oxford University Press. Jointly with Will Horne and Alex Kerchner.

Carles Boix: Electoral Realignments across the Atlantic. In Who Gets What? The New Politics of Insecurity (edited by Frances Rosenbluth and Margaret Weir). New York: Cambridge University Press. Chapter 9, pp. 213-236.

Rafaela Dancygier: “The Evolution of the Immigration Debate: Evidence from a New Dataset of Party Positions over the Last Half-Century,” with Yotam Margalit. Comparative Political Studies, 53(5): 734-774. **Winner of the 2021 Best Article Prize, Migration and Citizenship Section, APSA.

Rafaela Dancygier: “Another Progressive’s Dilemma: Immigration, the Radical Right, and Threats to Gender Equality.” Daedalus 149 (1), 56-71.

Harold James: Making a Modern Central Bank: The Bank of England, 1979–2003. Cambridge University Press, 2020.

Meunier, Sophie et al. Developments in French Politics 6. MacMillan, 2020,

Meunier, Sophie, and Zenobia Chan. “Behind the Screen: Understanding National Support for a Foreign Investment Screening Mechanism in the European Union.” n. pag. Print.

Meunier, Sophie, and Helen Drake. “Is France Back (Again)? European Governance for a Global World.” Developments in French Politics 6. MacMillan, 2020.

Meunier, Sophie et al. Developments in French Politics 6. MacMillan, 2020.

Meunier, Sophie, and Justinas Mickus. “Sizing Up the Competition: Explaining Reform of European Union Competition Policy in the Covid-19 Era.” Journal of European Integration 42.8 (2020): 1077–1094.

Canes-Wrone, Brandice, Lauren Mattioli, and Sophie Meunier. “Foreign Direct Investment Screening and Congressional Backlash Politics in the United States.” British Journal of Politics and International Relations 22.4 (2020): n. pag.

Meunier, Sophie. “Le Mécanisme De Filtrage Des Investissements Directs étrangers En Europe: Une réponse à l’essor Des Investissements Chinois ?.” Relations Commerciales Internationales: L’Union européenne Et l’Amérique Du Nord à l’heure De La Nouvelle Route De La Soie. Bruylant, 2020. Print.

Meunier, Sophie, and Christilla Roederer-Rynning. “Missing in Action? France and the Politicization of Trade and Investment Agreements.” Politics and Governance 8.1 (2020): n. pag.

Andrew Moravcsik: “Graduate Qualitative Methods Training in Political Science: A Disciplinary Crisis,” PS: Political Science & Politics (forthcoming in print, 2020) (with Cassandra V. Emmons).

Andrew Moravcsik: “Liberal Intergovernmentalism,” in Oxford Encyclopedia of European Union Politics (Oxford University Press, 2020).

David Pozen and Kim Lane Scheppele,  “Executive Underreach, in Pandemics and Otherwise,” 114 American Journal of International Law 608-617 October 2020, available here